
On our blog, we share news, opinions, and our vision on business mediation. This way, we stay sharp and informed, and we bring you along with us.

More and more we, as (pre) mediators, have True Conversations with Start-ups and Business Partners who work remotely, spread over different countries. Digital nomads who are in a business marriage but never have met in person.

We see business partners who manage to run a business in a total new way. They are successful in worldwide hunting and selecting their Business Partners, building the business and set their common goal in such a way that the virtual founders/teammembers know exactly what is expected from them. These founders and team members created a healthy business together in which they feel connected, seen and heard.

The crucial factor that determines if ‘the ‘tribe works, is first the presence of an underlying fundament of trust and the secondly the social safety that is felt between the members.

At the same time, creating this fundament, is the part which is most difficult to establish, virtually. It takes effort, time and a conscious way of relating. If this is not a part of the daily business, that’s where the cracks can come into the relationship and if not addressed on time, can finally lead to a divorce.

Reaching out for a third party to prevent the escalation of a conflict is one of the things you can do as a business partner. Not easy, and most of the time awkward at the beginning. At the same time many of our coregeous clients say in a hind sight, ‘this was the best thing I could have done’. Whether you manage to reset your relationship, or if you decide to divorce, you can do it respectful.


Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.